Just As You Are

Something I have been thinking about a lot lately is what makes us who we are and why it is so important for us to love ourselves as we are. I have been talking to a few friends lately who have felt like giving up, so if you’re reading this, you know who you are and please read on <3
What makes you who you are?
What do you love the most about who you are?
Are you tough because you had the perfect family and childhood?
Are you a hard worker because you started from the top and had the perfect job?
Are you brave because you never had to face your fears?
Are you grateful because you’re always had?
Do you love because you’ve never lost?
The answer to these questions is probably no. So much of who we are is from out trials, failures, and struggles. 
When you feel like giving up, remember who loves you and remember how to love yourself. There is a verse in the bible that I interpret differently from many believers and it is “love your neighbor as yourself.” It doesn’t say "love yourself as you love your neighbor." It starts with YOU. How can we make an impact on the world when we don’t even love who we are? When we try to love others before we love who we are, we are really subconsciously looking for approval for who we are through "loving" them.  Until we love who we are, we will never be able to love others and who they are. We will just be “loving” to fill our own void. 
I hope we can all learn to know who we are. I hope we can all learn to love ourselves. If you have no idea where to start, then I suggest making a list. It can be as small as “I have nice ears” but it is still a start. 
My reminder to you for the week is that you are loved. JUST AS YOU ARE. Learn it. Say it over and over. Don’t give up. 
And, when you love who you are you will love everyone around you all the more. 
Say these things out loud to yourself next time you feel like giving up whether you believe them or not;
I am loved.
I am the only one of me.
I am bold. 
I am brave.
I am unstoppable. 
Get up. Stand tall. Be courageous. 

Read this killer verse;
"Mightier than the waves in the ocean is His love for you.”~~Psalm 93:4

Mightier than the waves in the ocean. 

Mightier than the waves. 

That is how much you are loved. 


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